Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Letting Go

I'm feeling the need to unload and let go. It's been a very rough couple weeks with work and getting ready for my final outdoor art fair in Chicago this weekend. I've been in a very bad place and really need to let some of that go. So, I'm looking on the positive side and am reminding myself of things I feel grateful for...

1. My wonderful family and friends
2. A lovely home that provides shelter and food each day
3. The ability to create freely every day
4. Books which provide an amazing escape
5. Laughter

I did this piece called Eternal Dance a few years ago, but I was reminded of the saying in it as I was writing this. It seemed oh so perfect for where I need to be. Sometimes it helps to step back and just breathe!


Gai said...

This is a very beautiful expressive piece. YOur positive sentiments heart felt. Good luck with your work.

Bella Sinclair said...

Valerie, I can feel the freshness in this. So much beauty and lightness here. I hope the art fair went well and that you are resting and rejuvenating.


aimee said...

i've been in a similar spot lately, trying to get back on track, and this is a beautiful piece of encouragement.

Dana S. Whitney said...

via IF:
Breathing ALWAYS helps. And after reading a bit of ehrenreish's Bright-Sided... maybe just a good pout/sulk/whine would do the trick. THEN, move on. Hope things are brighter now.