Monday, February 4, 2008

Illustration Friday – Blanket

Several years ago we were blessed to adopt a beautiful little girl from China. When I saw this topic, I immediately thought "blanket of love." We were so supported by our coworkers, friends and family, who were as excited as we were, that we really felt that we were surrounded by a blanket of love. Nell's coming home was truly an event that was celebrated by everyone we knew.


Janice Ykema said...

lovely piece.. the colours.. the expressions all flow.

Rui Sousa said...

Lolely illustration, realy nice and colofour!

life without novacaine said...

Wow, love this. Reminds me of Klimt.

MayY . C 五月媽媽 said...

Nell's is so fortunate, love is in the air.......

soulbrush said...

what a touching illo, what a lucky baby.