Monday, February 11, 2008

Illustration Friday – Choose

I have a friend who has fought depression of one sort or another all her life. And who basically comes from a family full of mental issues and relationship dysfunction. When I created this piece I created it thinking of her. That the ability to choose our path lies within each of us - that what has happened before doesn't have to dictate who we are or what choices we make today. This is something my friend struggles with each day of her life, and it has not gotten easier for her over the years to be able to make healthy choices for herself. Throughout her life she has had certain "angels" who have tried to surround and protect her, encourage her, and help her see a way out - something she just will not choose, or is not able to choose for herself. So, I say again - the power to change things is still withnin each one of us if we make a choie that lets it blossom.


thisisnotabloggerblog3 said...

Wow! I really like your illustration. I specially love what you did with the dress. But beyond style, this drawing has a life of its own. You poured lots of meaning in it, and it shows.

Vhrsti said...

So sweet works here! Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures!

soulbrush said...

i found your blog and i adore it, your illos and the words, i'm adding you to my list of favourites -right now...

Nancy Bea Miller said...

I thought it an intriguing image and then I read your! So very moving.

Fourborne said...

I love your print work.

Valerie Lorimer said...

Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments! It was a tough piece to work on at the time.

soulbrush said...

i am giving you two awards, for your inspirational words, see my blog.

Valerie Lorimer said...

Thank you! I love your Helen Hayes quote on your blog.

surrealmuse said...

stunning piece! really gets you thinking. Did you ever add color to it?