Sunday, January 30, 2011

February Giveaway…Happiness

I just read an article in a magazine about happiness. What it is, what makes you really was an interesting article that made you really think. Is there anyone who doesn't like feeling happy? I thought about it, and I've posted my top five things.

Leave a post on my blog about five things that make you happy, and I'll enter your name into a drawing for a giveaway that includes one of my new prints, Grandma's Songbird. Also a set of cards and a Live Joyfully necklace.

I'm offering a little bit of happiness at my Etsy shop too - all during February my prints are 20% off. Use Coupon Code FEB2011SPECIAL when you check out! Happy thinking...and here's my top 5.

What Makes You Happy?
• Movie night with my family
• First snowfalls
• Reading a really, good book
• Being able to create every day
• Doing something that makes someone else feel good


WhoYouAre said...

This is wonderful! I was just having a conversation on facebook about being happy when I saw your post! Serendipity!

5 of my favorite things are:

1. listening to my favorite music
2. long days filled with sunshine
3. quality time with family filled with laughter
4. admiring all of creations... nature, art, music, prose, etc...

5. doing kundalini yoga

Thank you! Sat Nam!

Unknown said...

1) Walking outside on an early summer day in the peace & quiet when it's 75 degrees and sunny and there is no humidity!
2) Going on a bike ride with my husband
3) Drinking tea while reading a good book & snuggling my pug
4) Eating dinner with my family
5) Hot Yoga

Valerie Lorimer said...

Forgot to mention that the drawing will be on February 14!

Jane said...

Hi Valerie.

Love your new songbird!

Here are a few things that make me just giddy...

1) My nieces and nephew
2) Big, wonderful dogs
3) Spending time and laughing with dear friends
4) Being outside
5) Searching for and finding art that moves and touches me

Thanks and all the best to you this year Valerie.

Anonymous said...

My Grandchildren laughing
My husbands sense of humor
Being creative
Enjoying a weekend away
Finding an awesome bargin shopping

Anonymous said...

As I opened your Blog, my first thought was - she should enter her bird in Brave Girls...then I read an earlier post where your bird had been choosen! Congratulations - it is one of my favorite inspirational daily reads.

Lindy Gaskill said...

Grandma's Songbird is one of my favs of your art!

5 of my fav things are:
1. traveling and exploring new places with my fiancé
2. feeling the sun on my face
3. a whole day to just paint
4. dancing to groovin' music
5. family and friend get togethers

What I Say Matters! said...

I love this!!

5 things that make me happy

1. a wonderful movie with a great friend!
2. the Chili-Cheese Omelette from Waffle House
3. a clean house
4. my sister
5. lunch with friends

Anonymous said...

1)Hanging out with my sweet kids
2) Listening to those same kids laugh together as they play
3) The sound of the garage door opening and my husband coming home after work
4) The sound of peace in my Mom's voice
5) My silly dog

Anonymous said...

1) my kids
2) a great book
3) sunshine on my face
4) a purring cat
4) diving into a cool pool on a really hot day

Thanks so much for the giveaway!

ang_vaughan at yahoo dot com

Kashena said...

Five things!

1. Contrasting temperatures (drinking hot beverages outside, drinking cool beverages in hot places, etc).
2. Being on a boat (or on the water).
3. A really satisfying short story.
4. Dinner parties with friends.
5. Sleeping really well/nap.


konecki (at) gmail

sandyandcosmo said...

5 of my favorite things:

1. Holding my new granddaughter for the first time.
2. Walking in the snow.
3. My husband's quirky sense of humor, he can always make me laugh.
4. Dogs. Any dogs, all dogs make me feel happy!
5. An evening walk on the beach with my husband.

Dizzy Girl said...

Five things that make me happy:

1) Spending time with my family
2) Walking around Savannah with camera in hand, taking in the beauty of the city
3) Good music
4) The soft sound of snow hitting the ground. It doesn't snow here, but I remember growing up in WV and loving that first big snow and the quiet of it.
5) Jane Austen

Lou Ellen said...

Love the print!

1. My nieces telling me a story.

2. walking in the mountains to a private hot springs

3. sitting on the beach with a warm breeze & my toes in the sand, a fruity drink, good tunes & my honey.

4. being with my best friends...doing anything.

5. snuggling with my furbabies.

Jessica said...
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Jessica said...

Fun giveaway idea! My favorite 5 things are:

1. Cuddling
2. Sewing
3. Reading a good book
4. Family get-togethers
5. Time with old friends who know way too much about you to judge anything you say or do.


jhitomi said...

Being safe inside while it snows outside.
Serving an ace in tennis.
Playing fetch (!) with my cat.
Eating a meal someone else has cooked.
Winning a blog giveaway!

Jhbalvin at gmail dot com

Mary Lee said...

1. Spending time with my son.
2. Going out with my hubby.
3. Creating Art.
4. Wonderful food.
5. Sightseeing, especially museums.

elena said...

1.Huging, kissing, squeezing my little ones!
2.A huge quantity of spagetti
3.Crocheting like crazy
4.Sex (of course)
5.Shopping bags full of new wonderfull things!

The Smith Family said...

I love this giveaway...I love birds and this is just wonderful!

5 things that make me happy

1. my family
2. reading a good book
3. cupcakes
4. doing something creative
5. my friends


Unknown said...

Such a huge fan of your work, Val!

Happiness for me is...
Live music.
Cooking with friends/family.
Philosophical discussions.
Surrounded by nature.
Slow moments with family/friends.

Kaylie said...

WOW!!! This is so so wonderful!!!
I'm so motivated by this giveaway and the question
The five things that make me happy and blessed are:

1. Spending times with my family
2. Keeping in touch with my beloved people who has made big impacts on my life
3. Listening to my favorite music and breathing the fresh air
4. Traveling to my dream destinations
5. Walking along the street, eating some nice cuisine at my favorite restaurants

jsg said...

i love this post! sharing happiness...

1. handwritten notes
2. an unexpected casual dinner out
3. cupcakes - yum!
4. getting into my bed after the sheets have been freshly washed
5. sharing a laugh or even just a smile with family and friends